From 21 February 2022, Australia will welcome fully vaccinated visa holders, enabling the return of leisure visitors, business travellers, and other visitors to Australia from this date. Travellers who are fully vaccinated with a Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) approved vaccine, will not have to quarantine on arrival. However, please note that some states and territories have specific requirements for visitors arriving from overseas so please refer to the latest advice for more details.
Visa holders who are not fully vaccinated will still require a valid travel exemption to enter Australia and will be subject to state and territory quarantine requirements.
There are also several important pre departure requirements for international visitors travelling to Australia, further details of which are available on the Department of House Affairs website here. Before travelling to Australia, please make sure to check the latest flight status, entry restrictions and quarantine requirements for returning to Hong Kong.
從 2022 年 2 月 21 日起,澳洲將歡迎已完全接種疫苗的簽證持有者,包括觀光旅客、商務旅客和其他遊客由該日起入境澳洲。完全接種了Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) 批准疫苗的旅客,在抵達時將無需進行隔離。但請注意,部分州和領地對來自海外的遊客有特定要求,因此請參閱最新建議了解更多詳情。
未完全接種疫苗的簽證持有人仍需要有效的旅行豁免 (Travel exemption)方可進入澳洲,並需遵守各州和領地的隔離要求。
對於前往澳洲的國際遊客,還有幾項重要的出發前要求,可在內務部 (Department of House Affairs) 網站 上查閱更多詳情。同時,在前往澳洲前,請確保查閱回港之航班狀態、最新入境限制及檢疫要求。