Effective 1 April 2022, Malaysia’s international borders will be fully reopened, and the requirement for non-Malaysians to obtain MyTravelPass/MyEntry approval to enter Malaysia will be abolished.
For fully vaccinated travellers, a negative RT-PCR test result done 48 hours prior to departure to Malaysia (as well as a professional RTK-Ag test done within 24 hours of arrival are required), while quarantine upon arrival is no longer required.
Requirements for non-fully vaccinated travellers will be announced before 1 April 2022.*
• Travellers are required to download and activate the MySejahtera app (https://mysejahtera.malaysia.gov.my/intro_en/) before departure to Malaysia. They are required to complete the health declaration form in the MySejahtera app before departure to Malaysia.
•Travellers are required to complete the pre-departure form in the “Traveller” icon of the MySejahtera app before departure to Malaysia.
•For foreign vaccination records, travellers are required to apply for MySejahtera Vaccination Digital Certificate in the “Traveller” icon of the MySejahtera app at least five days before departure to Malaysia.
自 2022 年 4 月 1 日起,馬來西亞將全面重新開放國際邊境,以及取消非馬來西亞國民須獲得 MyTravelPass/MyEntry 批准才可進入馬來西亞的要求。
對於已完成疫苗接種的旅客,須於出發前48 小時內完成 RT-PCR 檢測(及抵達後 24 小時內完成專業的 RTK-Ag 測試),結果呈陰性的旅客,抵達後毋須隔離。
對未完全接種疫苗的旅客的要求將於 2022 年 4 月 1 日之前公佈。
• 旅客須於出發馬來西亞前下載並開通MySejahtera 應用程式(https://mysejahtera.malaysia.gov.my/intro_en/),並在出發前於 MySejahtera 應用程式中填寫健康申報表。
•旅客須於出發前至少五天在MySejahtera 應用程式裡,「旅客」一欄申請MySejahtera疫苗接種電子證書。