The ANTOR (HK) Christmas Appreciation Luncheon for HK travel trade was successfully completed on 14 December 2023 at South China Athletic Association. Prior to the fun-filled luncheon, a “Kin-ball” game was organised at the SCAA lawn to foster an appetite. As an ANTOR (HK) tradition, all gifts donated by the attending travel trade members were donated to the less privileged after the luncheon.
ANTOR(香港)香港旅遊業界聖誕答謝午宴於12月14日在南華體育會圓滿結束。午宴前,更安排了「健球」遊戲,讓大家胃口大開。作為 ANTOR (HK)的傳統,我們将所有與會者攜帶禮物,在午餐舉行完畢後便隨即捐贈給弱勢群體,盡顯業界關懷。