Brand USA

Brand USA is the destination marketing organization for the United States with the mission of increasing incremental international visitation, spend, and market share to fuel the nation’s economy and enhance the image of the USA worldwide. Established by the Travel Promotion Act as the nation’s first public-private partnership to spearhead a globally coordinated marketing effort to promote the United States as a premier travel destination, the organization also is designated to communicate U.S. visa and entry policies. Brand USA often fulfills this duty by furthering the understanding of U.S. travel policies, identifying and correcting misperceptions about those policies, and helping international travel trade, media, and visitors link directly to information from the federal agencies responsible for the policies.

Brand USA

Brand USA

Unit 1201- 1205, 12/F, China Resources Building, No. 26 Harbour Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong

Tel: +852 9726 1715