澳洲在自然風光的排名屬全球首屈一指,由海岸的公路遊到內陸地區的古老地貌,每年吸引不少香港旅客前往澳洲,欣賞令人驚歎無比的美景。澳洲旅遊局聯同維多利亞省旅遊局及北領地旅遊局,夥拍無綫電視製作全新旅遊節目《胡說八道真情假期》,由胡杏兒、胡定欣、胡蓓蔚(豹嫂)、李施嬅、姚子羚及黃智雯組成的胡說八道會,在維多利亞及北領地展開閏蜜遊。如欲了解更多詳情,請瀏覽 www.australia.com.
Tourism Australia, Visit Victoria and Tourism NT present a travel programme on TVB.
Australia is the world’s highest-ranking destination when it comes to world class beauty and natural environments. From the scenic coastal drives to the magnificent inland landscape, it draws in thousands of visitors from Hong Kong every year. Tourism Australia has joined forces with Visit Victoria and Tourism NT to partner with Television Broadcasts Limited (TVB) to present a new travel programme, ‘The Sisterhood Traveling Gang’ (Chinese title《胡說八道真情假期》), featuring Hong Kong’s leading female celebrities Myolie Wu and Nancy Wu, and their best friends Paisley Wu, Selena Lee, Elaine Yiu and Mandy Wong. The besties will be showing the best of the best from Victoria and the Northern Territory. For further details, kindly browse www.australia.com.