ANTOR commissioned a survey on over 30 travel companies to gain understanding on what travellers and the travel trade look for in the current pandemic situation:
The trade’s response on the top 3 concerns of travellers were:
- The destination and accommodation are of top hygiene standards
- Customers expect full insurance covers
- The destination has no or only minor COVID-19 cases
Customers accept that compulsory vaccination may be needed to travel and that flight frequencies may be less with extra requirements needed. They are unlikely to accept a quarantine period of over 1 week long. More than half the respondents think trips will generally be longer than before.
More than half the companies revealed that travel products have already changed. There will be less organized group tours and fly cruises but more emphasis on cruises leaving from Hong Kong.
The most considered destinations are short haul destinations such as Macau, Taiwan, Thailand and also holidaying at home in Hong Kong. Hong Kong, Macau and Australia are seen as the safest destinations and Macau, Taiwan, Thailand and Korea are the most promoted destinations. Activities agents will promote include gourmet elements, seaside and islands and outdoor nature activities. History and heritage and family holidays were also chosen by some companies.
Another round of survey will be undertaken in 2022. ANTOR is interested in how the travel trends will evolve as the pandemic continues and border restrictions change worldwide.
For more information, please contact info@antor.com.org
ANTOR is the Association of National Tourist Office Representatives (Hong Kong), ANTOR (HK), 各國旅遊局代表協會(香港) comprises of National Tourism Organizations and representatives active in Hong Kong. ANTOR (HK) is a voluntary, non-profitable, and non-political association of the representatives of national tourist organizations and representatives active in Hong Kong. The Association exists to exchange views on matters of mutual concerns and interests within the major promotional sector of the travel industry. It seeks to improve operational techniques and standards of travel destination marketing and provides a non-commercial (and collective) platform to organise joint promotional activities.