Hong Kong TV Travel Program Goes Live
Hong Kong free-to-air TV channel TVB Jade launched its latest travel program ‘Travel with Buddies’- Australia chapter travelogue during prime time from 26 September. The program showcase variety of New South…
Hong Kong free-to-air TV channel TVB Jade launched its latest travel program ‘Travel with Buddies’- Australia chapter travelogue during prime time from 26 September. The program showcase variety of New South…
Tourism Australia and seven state and territory organisations hosted a One Voice trade dinner for over 70 valued Key Distribution Partners, Airlines and The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade…
Tourism Australia has launched its newest campaign, Come and Say G’day, to remind Hong Kong why There’s Nothing Like Australia and invite Hong Kong travellers to plan and book an Australian holiday. In…
InnerGlow at Tai Kwun. On now until 25 September 2022. This autumn, a new signature event designed for the whole family will light up Tai Kwun’s Parade Ground every evening…
From 6 July 2022, the majority of COVID-19-related Australian border restrictions has removed. People entering Australia do not need to provide evidence of vaccination status People entering Australia do not need to complete the Digital…
Electronic Travel Authority (ETA) With the reopening of Australia’s borders to fully vaccinated international visitors from 21 February 2022, the Department of Home Affairs has developed the Australian ETA app…
【Travel Industry Only】Tourism Australia’s Aussie Specialist Program is the travel agent only training program that puts Australia at their fingertips. It’s an one stop shop for Australian travel training, and…
From 21 February 2022, Australia will welcome fully vaccinated visa holders, enabling the return of leisure visitors, business travellers, and other visitors to Australia from this date. Travellers who are…
Tune in to the sounds of Australia in immersive 8D audio with a collaboration by Flight Facilities and the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra. Find inspiration for your next getaway. Your Aussie…
5種澳洲最可愛的本土動物 From koala cuddles to getting up-close to adrenaline inducing crocs; experience Australian animals at one of these top-quality zoos and sanctuaries. Here are some of our favourite zoo experiences…
陳柏宇(Jason)和太太符曉薇(Leanne)帶埋Sony Hong Kong相機「柏」住拖浪漫出走澳洲昆士蘭 ! 精彩行程包括布里斯本,摩頓島及位於大堡礁中部嘅聖靈群島。而純天然珊瑚礁「心形礁」,以及夢幻秘景「白天堂沙灘」更加係今次大堡礁朝聖目的地。 3集特輯由澳洲旅遊局、昆士蘭州旅遊及活動推廣局、 Sony Hong Kong及Sony Music Hong Kong製作,再聯同三位Sony Curators Karen Tang,David Boy及山中遊子AM前往澳洲昆士蘭發掘浪漫旅遊勝地,使用Sony相機器材紀錄低昆士蘭刺激好玩的一面。一起看看陳氏伉儷在昆士蘭上山又下海的歷險旅程,即刻去澳洲旅遊局網站觀看更多精彩之旅:https://bit.ly/2F8nS2z
澳洲是一片充斥著彩虹七色和獨特異國妙韻的大地,為各種感官帶來衝擊。觀賞新登場的8D環迴立體聲短片系列,親自踏上如臨其境的澳洲之旅。 短片系列以六個顏色作主題,充分展示澳洲獨有的自然奇觀。透過以紅色、藍色、紫紅色、綠色、黑色及白色為主調的畫面,藉以喚起旅客不同的感受和回憶。色彩斑斕的景致和活力滿載的面貌更有助激發旅客的創意,為下一趟旅途帶來更多可能性。 全新短片系列採用8D環迴立體聲拍攝,營造來自四方八面的音效感覺,為您帶來有如身臨其境的震撼。建議戴上耳機,體驗最佳8D聽覺效果。
澳洲旅遊局、西澳州旅遊局夥拍本港一站式旅遊用品專門店Go Wild,以「Go Wild 出走西澳」為主題,透過曾於西澳工作假期的人氣KOL 黃寶漳 (Mixson)重遊西澳拍攝短片、推出西澳主題的Go Wild專門店、以及一系列宣傳攻勢,將西澳最令人嚮往的自然風光帶到大家眼前!
澳洲旅遊局特別夥拍坎培拉旅遊局及澳洲維多利亞州旅遊局,聯同本地社交平台日日煮 (Day Day Cook) 於坎培拉及維多利亞兩地拍攝全新旅遊節目《打工仔慢遊澳洲》,跟著「煮」播Sarah和YouTuber Emi Wong慢遊澳洲。
由澳洲旅遊局聯同 Klook 製作,再夥拍兩位「靚仔、高大、大膽」的主播,《100毛》東方昇(原名王嘉偉)及前體育新聞主播伍家謙(Vince Ng)拍檔主持,前往澳洲發掘維多利亞及南澳值得欣賞的旅遊勝地。2集特輯將帶你去南澳飲飲食食,親親澳洲本土動物;玩轉維多利亞,玩盡百二歲!
Dundee失蹤? Danny McBride飾演嘅兒子係唯一能找到他嘅人,而「雷神」Chris Hemsworth就演Dundee工作夥伴嘅兒子,二人拍住上一齊踏上尋找鱷魚先生之旅? 故事仲有超龐大嘅演員陣容,包括 「狼人」Hugh Jackman、「小丑女」Margot Robbie、Isla Fisher、Liam Hemsworth、Russell Crowe、Ruby Rose等清一色澳洲代表演員 !
Australia is the world’s highest ranking destination when it comes to world class beauty and natural environments and the ‘Aquatic & Coasta’ campaign showcases experiences that are intrinsic to the…
‘Restaurant Australia’ is the latest evolution of Tourism Australia’s global ‘There’s Nothing like Australia’ consumer marketing campaign. It focuses on telling our global target customers about our quality food and…
Room 2405, 24/F, Harbour Centre, 25 Harbour Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong
Tel: +852 2531 3833
Fax: +852 2802 8211
E-mail: ctam@tourism.australia.com
Website: www.australia.com/zh-hk